Vocoder with HiFIGAN trained on ljspeech
This repository provides all the necessary tools for using a HiFIGAN vocoder trained with LJSpeech.
The pre-trained model takes in input a spectrogram and produces a waveform in output. Typically, a vocoder is used after a TTS model that converts an input text into a spectrogram.
The sampling frequency is 22050 Hz.
pip install speechbrain
Please notice that we encourage you to read our tutorials and learn more about
Using the Vocoder
import torch
from speechbrain.pretrained import HIFIGAN
hifi_gan = HIFIGAN.from_hparams(source="speechbrain/tts-hifigan-ljspeech", savedir="tmpdir")
mel_specs = torch.rand(2, 80,298)
waveforms = hifi_gan.decode_batch(mel_specs)
Using the Vocoder with the TTS
import torchaudio
from speechbrain.pretrained import Tacotron2
from speechbrain.pretrained import HIFIGAN
# Intialize TTS (tacotron2) and Vocoder (HiFIGAN)
tacotron2 = Tacotron2.from_hparams(source="speechbrain/tts-tacotron2-ljspeech", savedir="tmpdir_tts")
hifi_gan = HIFIGAN.from_hparams(source="speechbrain/tts-hifigan-ljspeech", savedir="tmpdir_vocoder")
# Running the TTS
mel_output, mel_length, alignment = tacotron2.encode_text("Mary had a little lamb")
# Running Vocoder (spectrogram-to-waveform)
waveforms = hifi_gan.decode_batch(mel_output)
# Save the waverform
torchaudio.save('example_TTS.wav',waveforms.squeeze(1), 22050)
Inference on GPU
To perform inference on the GPU, add run_opts={"device":"cuda"}
when calling the from_hparams
The model was trained with SpeechBrain.
To train it from scratch follow these steps:
- Clone SpeechBrain:
git clone https://github.com/speechbrain/speechbrain/
- Install it:
cd speechbrain
pip install -r requirements.txt
pip install -e .
- Run Training:
cd recipes/LJSpeech/TTS/vocoder/hifi_gan/
python train.py hparams/train.yaml --data_folder /path/to/LJspeech
You can find our training results (models, logs, etc) here.
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