Common Questions 常见问题
Can I upload my whole class lecture to StudyFetch?
我可以将整个课堂讲座上传到 StudyFetch 吗?
What types of course material can I upload?
You can upload a variety of formats including PDF, DOC, DOCX, PPT, PPTX, TXT, PNG, JPEG, MP3, MP4, YouTube videos, and Google Docs.
您可以上传多种格式,包括 PDF、DOC、DOCX、PPT、PPTX、TXT、PNG、JPEG、MP3、MP4、YouTube 视频和 Google 文档。
Does my course material automatically convert into other features?
Spark.e, our AI tutor, allows you to interact directly with your study materials. You can ask questions, create flashcards, take practice tests, and customize your learning experience.
How do I upload my material?
It’s a simple two-step process: Register with StudyFetch, then select ‘Create a Set’ and choose from various options to upload your study material.
这是一个简单的两步过程:注册 StudyFetch,然后选择“创建集合”并从各种选项中进行选择来上传您的学习材料。
How does the AI work?
StudyFetch’s AI, Spark.e, utilizes advanced machine learning algorithms to offer a tailored, interactive tutoring experience. Once you upload your study materials, Spark.e scans and indexes them, making the content searchable and accessible for real-time queries.
StudyFetch 的人工智能 Spark.e 利用先进的机器学习算法来提供量身定制的交互式辅导体验。上传学习材料后,Spark.e 会对其进行扫描并建立索引,使内容可搜索并可实时查询。
Who is Spark.e? Spark.e 是谁?
Spark.e is your friendly dog AI tutor. Spark.e is a virtual assistant that helps you study your course material. Spark.e is powered by advanced machine learning algorithms that allow it to understand your course material and help you study better.
Spark.e 是您友好的狗狗人工智能导师。 Spark.e 是一个虚拟助手,可以帮助您学习课程材料。 Spark.e 由先进的机器学习算法提供支持,使其能够理解您的课程材料并帮助您更好地学习。
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